Why sponsor?
Savings on cost and travel: exhibitors can save a lot of money on travel, lodging, promotional items, and other costly expenses typically associated with conferences. It also supports a reduction in your carbon footprint and an important aspect of corporate strategy today.
Virtual summits are interactive: just because you’re not there in person doesn’t mean you don’t get to interact with other attendees. Vibe Summit allows attendees to visit booths, chat with booth reps, attend workshops and keynote speeches, and even chat, network or talk live to other attendees. Attendees can swap electronic business cards with a keystroke and save that data instantly in your database.
Reporting and analytics: The major advantage of virtual conferences is that the platform provides real-time analytics that you just don’t get in the physical conferences.
Increased attendance: virtual conferences are easier for attendees to join because there is no travel involved, this means you can reach more markets around the world in one place than ever before.
Increased exposure: the event “lives on”! A physical conference lasts for 2-3 days, then it’s done. World Commerce & Contracting’s Vibe Summit will live on 60 days post-event so that attendees can access booths, presentations, documents, videos, etc. anytime.
We are proud to be partnering with a world-class virtual event platform Communiqué.
Take a look at what you can expect.