
Sally Guyer

Global CEO, World Commerce & Contracting

Executive, board director, mother and entrepreneur. I believe in the power of authenticity and that in life, you simply have to love what you do and do what you love.

A boarding school education gave me the confidence to follow an unconventional path that has led me to being CEO of one of the world’s fastest growing non-profits. My mission is to inspire and support the World Commerce & Contracting team and our global community to collectively drive positive change in the world of commerce of contracting.

Having completed my law degree in London, I was drawn to the dynamic world of start-ups. Commercial Management was a field in demand, and I found myself in a series of fast-growth telecoms firms where I learnt by doing. Travelling the world, negotiating contracts and partnerships, working directly with and for top management.

In the early 2000s children entered my world and in 2007 I struck out on my own, offering contract and commercial services to start-ups and SMEs. My company flourished, in part through the strong link I had with the Association.

In 2014, I was invited to join World Commerce & Contracting as a part-time contractor, leading its activities in Europe… a year later I found myself working full-time as COO, charged with bringing structure and discipline to the fast-growing and entrepreneurial association.

The rest, as they say, is history… and it’s probably fair to say that my golden retriever, Benjy, has a better idea of what I do than my two sons ever will!

My Sessions